Every so often I would like to hear from readers about the blog and more importantly, about my book. With that in mind, I will be posting questions that readers are invited to respond to. This will help me in my conversations with my publisher and hopefully yield a better book. Here's this week's question.
Question: My publisher and the editorial staff suggested that the current title "The Borromeo Project" was either too unwieldy or didn't suggest what the book was about. As you can imagine from the other posts that I don't want to lose that title because it is the essence of the book. At the same time, I understand what the publisher is getting after; they have be able to sell a book just on the merit of someone seeing it on a shelf and saying, "Hmm, looks interesting." So, I offered the only other title I could come up with "Catholicism From Scratch." That has its own merits mainly because it connotes the idea of taking personal responsibility for building up one's Faith. So, dear reader, what do you think? Just based on the title alone, which would grab your attention
a.) The Borromeo Project: Unlocking the Catechism
b.) Catholicism From Scratch: Exploring the Catechism
The subtitles (the stuff after the colon) is even more debateable. I am including those simply to help set later volumes about the Vatican II documents, the Encyclicals of John Paul, and the Doctors of the Church in context.
Any and all input is appreciated.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
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He's back!!!!!!!!! Yeay!!!!
Okay... now down to business.
Strangely, I find title (a) much more intriguing. It makes me think that the book will be interesting and enlightening... kind of like unravelling a mystery. But... I also see your publisher's point that it might not reach you average run-of-the-mill Catholic.
Then again title (b) seems a little more cook-booky to me and while I appreciate the sentiment that one must be invested in order to learn about our Faith, I wonder if the title might suggest to the reader that there's much more work involved than just reading this book. (which, of course, is true, but not necessarily appealing.)
Thanks my take!
Did I mention I'm so glad you're back to blogging????!!!!
I like A. Cuz it's the book that you wrote. A for sure. A A. A. A A A.
Title "A" would peek my curiosity a bit more then the other title.
The Catechism Unlocked: A Journey led by St. Borromeo
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